Saratoga Battle Chapter
2010 Annual Meeting and Washington's Birthday Dinner
Holiday Inn Saratoga Springs, NY |
Chapter President Richard Hale Fullam, called the 2010 Annual Meeting and
Washington's Birthday Dinner to order at the Holiday Inn in Saratoga on Saturday
February 20, 2010 at 5:45 pm. The event was very well attended with
forty-seven members and guests having signed up to attend. The meal and the
dining / meeting room was excellent. Several photos of those attending follow
at the of the article.

President Richard H. Fullam Photo: Duane Booth
C.A.R. Presentation
Following the business meeting President Fullam invited Lexi Zerrillo,
President of the Schuyler Society, C.A.R. to the podium to speak on the
Society's many accomplishments since its reorganization in 2003 and
the C.A.R. National Endowment Fund. In her remarks Lexi recognized the support
of our Chapter, the Peter Gansevoort Chapter, NSDAR and the Rhodes Memorial Fund
and their appreciation of each sponsoring organization both for monetary
donations, senior leadership and encouragement.
Past President Duane Booth was
honored by the Schuyler Society with a donation in his name for his outstanding
support and encouragement to their Society and was presented with the National
Endowment Pin and a copy of Centennial Plus One - The Centennial History of the
National Society of the American Revolution 1895-1996 by Eleanor Smallwood
Niebell. Click here to read Lexi's remarks.

Past President Duane Booth and Schuyler Society President Lexi Zerrillo
Photo: Joyce Armstrong
Military Museum
Maj. Eleanor L. Morris, USA (Ret.), a member of Gen. Peter Gansevoort Chapter
and Maj. G. William "Bill" Glidden (Ret.) NYARNG and a Saratoga Battle Chapter,
SAR Past President gave a presentation on the NYS Military Museum and its
present needs. The Chapter voted to make a small donation to the museum.

Major Eleanor Morris (Ret.) and Major G. William Glidden (Ret.)
Photo: Rick Saunders
Youth Awards
A Bronze Good Citizenship Medal was awarded to Aaron Anthony Chojecki for work
on his Eagle Scout Project. Aaron also received his Eagle Scout Certificate.

Pres. Fullam, Eagle Scout Chojecki and Col. Ray LeMay (KY) Photo: Duane Booth
Our Chapter Knight Essay Contest Winner is Nathaniel Costello a student at
Shenendehowa High School. Nathaniel's Essay is entitled Jefferson's Framing of
the Declaration of Independence. Our chapter winner read his essay and you can
read it too - Click here.

President Rich Fullam, Nathaniel Costello and Rick Saunders, Youth Contest Committee Chair Photo: Rick Saunders
Our Eagle Scout Contest Winner is Charles Garrett Rappazzo. Eagle Scout
Rappazzo was not able to be with us this year, his essay also won last year.
SAR Service Awards
President Fullam announced SAR Service Awards and presented those in attendance
their awards.
Twenty (20) Year: Stanley A. Ransom, Jr. and Rev. Jeffrey M. Stratton
Twenty-Five (25) Year: J. Allen Lighthall; Lewis O. Slocum, Jr.; Maj. G. William
Glidden (Ret.); Ronald E. Avery; David O. Newton

Past President Lew Slocum and President Rich Fullam Photo: Rich Fullam

Past President Bill Glidden and President Rich Fullam Photo: Rich Fullam
Thirty (30) Year: Charles F. Walter, IV; Clyde W. Childs, Jr. (Past President) and Ronald E. Newton (Past Chapter President and Past Empire State President)

2nd Vice President Charlie Walter and President Rich Fullam Photo: Rich Fullam
Thirty-Five (35) Year: Henry N. McCarl, PhD. (Past President General, NSSAR)
Forty (40) Year: Cdr. William G. Loveday, Jr. (Ret.)
New Members
President Fullam welcomed three new members in attendance and presented each
with their certificate.

Karl L. Danneil and President Fullam Photo: Rick Saunders

Douglas M. Gallant and President Fullam Photo: Duane Booth

Richard C. Saunders, III* and President Fullam
*Dick Saunders accepted for his grandson Richie who is the son of Rick and Lyn Saunders Photo: Rick Saunders
"The History and Current Mission of the New York Guard"
Col. Brian Farley, Commanding Officer 10th Brigade of the New York Guard,
presented an interesting and entertaining program on the history and mission of
the NY Guard. The NY Guard was founded in 1917 and has the mission of
augmenting and assisting the National Guard. These men and women are unpaid
volunteers unless called to active duty. They are a vital resource of our State
and Nation both in time of peace and war.

Col. Brian Farley Photo: Rick Saunders
Presidents and Past Presidents

(back l-r) Kate Szewczyk, Past President, Bemis Heights Society, C.A.R.; Lew Slocum, PCP; Rick Saunders, PCP; Jim Hays, Jr., President, Valcour Battle Chapter, SAR; Dennis Marr, PCP and Past Empire State President; Bill Glidden, PCP and Lexi Zerrillo, President, Schuyler Society, C.A.R. and (front l-r) Duane Booth, PCP and Rich Fullam, President. Note: PCP = Past Chapter President Photo: Duane Booth
Our C.A.R. Partners
Thanks for coming to dinner. Your presence is always welcomed and

Sue and Kate Szewczyk (Bemis Heights Society), Rich Fullam, Sandy and Lexi Zerrillo (Schuyler Society) Photo: Duane Booth
We have received reports that both the Bemis Heights Society and the Schuyler
Society won many awards at the 2010 State C.A.R. Conference in Newburgh. Among
the awards were the Schuyler Society being voted the best society in the State
and the Bemis Heights being voted the 3rd best society in the State. As a joint
sponsor to both societies we are, as always, very proud of their
At the Conference Lexi Zerrillo, President of the Schuyler Society, C.A.R. was
elected State President for 2010-2011 and Sandy Zerrillo was elected the Senior
President for 2010-2012. Each year the State Society has a project theme,
presented by the incoming State President, and this year's theme is:
Under the theme the State Society selects a project or two to complete. This
year's projects are 1) to place a C.A.R. marker (similar to our Chapter's
marker) along the Memorial Pathway at the Saratoga National Cemetery and once
completed to 2) use any additional monies collected to support the New York
State Battle Flag Preservation Project at the New York State Military Heritage
Institute in Saratoga Springs, New York.
Everyone is allowed to donate to the projects and for a minimum donation of $5
you can request a pin that will show that you supported the project.
Click here to see the flyer that describes the projects and view the pin.
Make checks payable to: "N.Y.S.S.C.A.R." and write in the memo area that it's -
"In support of the 2010-2011 State Project Theme". Send donations to: Lexi
Zerrillo, N.Y.S.S.C.A.R. State
President, 29 Erie Drive, Slingerlands, NY 12159-9444. To make these projects a
success all donations are needed and appreciated.
Table Photos
Photos of our members and guests, courtesy of Rick Saunders. Click on any image for a larger version.

Photo: Rick Saunders

Photo: Rick Saunders

Photo: Rick Saunders

Photo: Rick Saunders

Photo: Rick Saunders

Photo: Rick Saunders

Photo: Rick Saunders

Photo: Rick Saunders

Photo: Rick Saunders

Photo: Rick Saunders

Photo: Rick Saunders
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