Saratoga Battle Chapter
2011 Annual Meeting
and Washington's Birthday Dinner
Holiday Inn Saratoga Springs, NY |
Over 50 members and guests were present as Chapter President Richard "Rich" Hale Fullam, called the
2011 Annual Meeting and Washington's Birthday Dinner to order at the Holiday Inn in Saratoga on
Saturday February 19, 2011 at 5:30 pm.
As Chapter 1st Vice President, Rich was installed as President
on September 21, 2008 to fill the unexpired term of George H. Ballard, Sr. who had resigned due to
illness. Rich was elected to a full two year term on February 14, 2009.

President Richard H. Fullam Photo: Duane Booth
Following a delicious meal and our business meeting the 2011-2013 officers were elected.
Officers for 2011-2013 are Primitivo Africa, President; Charles F. Walter, IV, 1st
Vice President; George F. Malinoski, 2nd Vice President; Raymond W. LeMay, III,
Secretary; Michael S. Companion, Treasurer; Thomas L. Dunne, Registrar; Dennis F.
Marr, Genealogist & Historian; Karl L. Danneil, Chaplain.
Our Chapter Eagle Scout Award winner Andrew D. Hagen read his essay entitled "Patriotic
Barlow Ancestor." Past President Richard Saunders, Jr. & Youth Contest Committee Chair
presented Andrew with a certificate and a check.

Past President Saunders and Eagle Scout Andrew Hagen
Photo: Duane Booth
Alexandria "Lexi" Zerrillo, President, N.Y.S.S.C.A.R. and Past President
of the Schuyler Society, C.A.R. brought greetings from both societies. On
behalf of the C.A.R. State Society she presented the Chapter with a certificate
of appreciation in recognition of our ongoing support to the C.A.R. and for
the Chapter's support to their 2010-2011 State Society Project "CHERISH OUR
The project had two goals: 1) To place a N.Y.S.S.C.A.R.
granite and bronze memorial marker along the Memorial Pathway at the Gerald B. H.
Solomon National Cemetery in Schuylerville, New York and 2) to raise funds to support
the New York State Battle Flag Preservation Project at the New York State Military
Heritage Institute in Saratoga Springs, New York. Both goals were met and while
Lexi wouldn't reveal the amount she indicated that the Battle Flag Project
amount is substantial.
Lexi, with help from Steven Fullam, also recognized us for our Chapter and individual
support of the Schuyler Society and to her State C.A.R. Society Projects. Lexi
presented individual awards to: Rich Fullam, Dennis Marr (also as Executive
Director of the Rhodes Memorial Fund), Karl Danneil and wife Eleanor Morris &
Duane Booth.

Rich receives certificate from Lexi
Photo: Duane Booth

Dennis, Rich Lexi and Steven
Photo: Duane Booth

Rich, Lexi, Steven and Duane
Photo: Duane Booth

Rich, Eleanor, Karl, Lexi and Steven
Photo: Duane Booth
Kate Szewczyk, President of the Bemis Heights Society, C.A.R. presented the
Chapter and the Rhodes Fund with plaques of recognition for our outstanding
support to their Society.

Dennis, Rich and Kate Photo: Duane Booth
Bret Trufant and Mike Companion each received the SAR Color Guard Medal and
certificate. Both are re-enactors with the 2nd Continental Artillery and are
regulars at many events we participate in. Thanks guys, you and your group
add much color to our events.

Bret and Rich Photo: Duane Booth

Mike and Rich Photo: Duane Booth
An important part of what we do is honor our veterans. Tonight we
honored Registrar Tom Dunne for his service to our country in the
Vietnam War. Tom received the War Service Medal (Vietnam) and
certificate. Thanks, Tom, for your service to our country.

Tom and Rich Photo: Duane Booth
Past Empire State Society President and Past Chapter President Col.
Peter K. Goebel, who could not be present, will receive a bar and certificate
for his service in Afghanistan. Peter returned from Afghanistan last fall
and is presently stationed in Texas. Thank you Peter for your dedicated
service to America.
Susan Szewczyk, Sr. President of the Bemis Heights Society, C.A.R. and Sandra
Zerrillo, Sr. President of the N.Y.S.S.C.A.R. and Sr. President of the Schuyler
Society, C.A.R each received the SAR Bronze C.A.R. Medal & Certificate. Sue
and Sandy are dedicated and capable leaders. Both societies have, under
their leadership, brought out the best in their youth.
Thanks Sue and Sandy.

Rich and Sue Photo: Duane Booth

Rich and Sandy Photo: Duane Booth
The Chapter recognized three members with the Meritorious Service Award.
Mike Companion has been organizing and helping with many events. He brings
his cannon "Cricket" and gets fellow re-enactors to help with events.
The uniforms, colors, cannon firings and musket volleys add much to events.

Mike and Rich Photo: Duane Booth
Walloomsac Battle Chapter President John Sheaff has worked tirelessly in getting
his Chapter and Saratoga Battle to work together on events and to hold joint meetings.
He and George Ballard started working together in 2007 and John Sheaff continued by
working with Rich. Thanks John for your great ideas and hard work.

Rich and John Photo: Duane Booth
Chapter member Fred Eckel is also a board member of the Rhodes Memorial Fund.
Fred has for the past several years seen to it that the Chapter has received
a grant each year. The funds go a long way in allowing the Chapter to
fund/help fund events that we hold or participate in. We appreciate the
help you've provided Fred!

Fred and Rich Photo: Duane Booth
As a token of appreciation Rich presented his fellow officers and
committee chairs with a certificate of appreciation and an SAR Gadsden
Coin Challenge Coin.

Secretary Ray LeMay and Rich Photo: Duane Booth
The new Chapter Officers were installed by Past President Rick
Saunders with Past President Booth as escort.

Past President Booth, Registrar Dunne; Treasurer Companion, Chaplain Danneil; Genealogist & Historian Marr; Secretary LeMay, 2nd Vice-President Malinoski; President Africa and Past President Saunders who installed the 2011-2013 officers Photo: Rich Fullam
Newly elected President Primitivo Africa presented Immediate Past Chapter
President Richard H. Fullam with the Past Chapter President pin and certificate.
Wear the pin proudly Rich "a good job, well done."

Rich and Tivo Photo: Duane Booth
Following the meeting the Past Chapter Presidents present gathered
with newly elected President Primitivo Africa.

Bill Glidden, Rick Saunders, Dennis Marr, President Africa, Lew Slocum,
Duane Booth and Rich Fullam Photo: Duane Booth
C.A.R. members gather with SAR Past Presidents Marr and Fullam and newly elected President Africa.

Dennis, Steven, Lexi, Benjamin Gallant, Kate, Tivo and Rich Photo: Duane Booth
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