The Chapter, held its Annual Meeting and Washington's Birthday Dinner, at the Century
House in Latham on February 22nd, with 31 members and guests in attendance.
Chapter President Tom Dunne called the meeting to order with a roll call of officers.
Chaplain Charles Wheeler gave the invocation and then we all enjoyed a delicious meal.
Following dinner, Chapter President Dunne asked Past Chapter President Jonathan Goebel
to lead us in the Pledge of Allegiance and Past President Col. Peter K. Goebel led us
in the Pledge to the SAR. Secretary David Marsh read the minutes; Treasurer Gallant gave
the Treasurer's report; Past President Duane Booth gave the Membership/Registrar's
Report and Dennis Marr reported on a recent audit of the chapter finances.
President Dunne acknowledged Schoharie-Leatherstocking President Joseph Fitzpatrick and
Walloomsac Battle President John H. Sheaff, who reminded us that this was George
Washington's birthday, and who brought several pictures from his collection that he displayed,
and Schuyler Society Senior President Mary Oxaal and Empire State Society President
Richard W. Sage, who gave greetings from the State Society.