The Chapter held its Annual Meeting and Washington's Birthday Dinner on February 18th, 2017, at the Century House
in Latham, NY, once again. We were able to take advantage of some unseasonably warm weather this year rather
than dealing with snow as has occurred in the past!

President Gallant calls the meeting to order
We had 29 members and guests present including Empire State SAR President Duane Booth, Empire State SAR
Vice President Capital Region Joe Fitzpatrick, former Vice President General Peter Goebel and our guest
speaker James Richmond.
President Gallant and ESS President Booth welcomed and installed new member Mark Meyers who was presented
with his membership certificate and Empire State Society pin. It is notable that Mark is jumping right into
an officer position within the Chapter.

New member Mark Meyers greeted by ESS President Booth and President Gallant
Treasurer David Flint delivered the Treasurer's Report. The Operating Account showed a surplus of over $500
for the reporting period. In addition to normal operating expenses, the Chapter donated $2,300 to various
causes including Patriot Flight, Schuyler and Bemis Heights Societies CAR, Wreaths Across America and the
National SAR Digitization Project. Chapter savings accounts now exceed $27,000.
The Registrar's Report showed that the Chapter had a slight decrease in membership from our high of 207 in September
2016 to 195 members now following the annual dues processing. However Registrar Tom Dunne also mentioned that there
are several new applications in process and expects overall membership to rise above 200 again later this year.
Chapter President Gallant outlined activities that he's been involved with since the September Meeting. Those activities
included participation in the the annual Sword Surrender Ceremony at Fort Hardy Park
and a new Veteran's Day event at
Saratoga Battlefield (detailed articles are on the Chapter web site). President Gallant also attended a State Society
Board of Managers meeting as well as drafting a letter for new members and updating the Chapter's web site content.
The Chapter elects new Officers biennially and 2017 was an election year. The Nominating Committee presented a slate of
candidates for 2017-2019. That slate was then formally elected and State President Booth performed the swearing in.
The Saratoga Battle Chapter officers:
- President - Douglas Gallant
- 1st Vice President - Patrick Reilly
- 2nd Vice President - Michael Companion
- Secretary - Mark Meyers
- Treasurer - David Flint
- Registrar - Thomas Dunne
- Genealogist - Dennis Marr
- Historian - Karl Danneil
- Chaplain - Charles Wheeler

(L-R) Former VPG Peter Goebel, President Douglas Gallant, 1st Vice President Patrick Reilly, Treasurer David Flint,
2nd Vice President Michael Companion, Historian Karl Danneil, Secretary Mark Meyers, Registrar Thomas Dunne, Genealogist Dennis Marr,
Empire State Society President Duane Booth
There were a few items of New Business to address:
- State President Booth informed us that as part of President General Tomme's "1777: The Road to Saratoga" trip that
follows General Burgoyne's 1777 invasion route, there will be a plaque dedication in Fort Ann on either May 9th or 10th.
All members are encouraged to attend.
- Historian Karl Danneil described a relatively new JROTC program at Albany High School that he recently became aware of.
A motion to provide the same level of support to this program that we provide to both CBA and La Salle currently (annual presentation
of medal and certificate) was approved. Additional information regarding SAR State and National programs that have monetary awards
will be forwarded to the JROTC commander.
- President Gallant presented information regarding the Cohoes Veteran's Memorial project (
A motion was approved authorizing the Chapter to purchase 2 pavers for a total of $240. Exact wording to be subsequently defined by
a small group of 4 members.
The afternoon's meeting then concluded with local author and historian James Richmond providing highlights from his book
"War on the Middleline" (available on Amazon). The topic begins from the initial settlement of the Kayaderosseras Patent
and into the Revolutionary War period where individual characters and stories intertwine and ultimately come together with
the British Raid on Ballston in 1780. Several individuals were taken prisoner into Canada as part of the raid. The book and
presentation concludes with the return of those individuals in late 1782 - some escaped while others were released by treaty.
Jim's topic is thoroughly researched, part of our local history and provides insight on how the War affected individuals and

James Richmond presenting War on the Middleline
The meeting was adjourned until Sunday, September 17th at the Holiday Inn in Saratoga following the wreath laying at
Saratoga National Historical Park.