As has been customary for several years, the Chapter held its semi-annual meeting
following the wreath laying ceremony at the Saratoga Battlefield.The meeting was
again held at the Saratoga Holiday Inn.
President Gallant recognized several guests that were present:
- From the SAR
- Peter Goebel, VPG North Atlantic District SAR
- Joe Fitzpatrick, VP Capital Region, Empire State SAR
- Jack Bredenfoerder - President, Cincinnati Ohio Society and Secretary-Treasurer of the Germany Society
- From the C.A.R.
- NY State President - Bridget Lasky
- Schuyler Society President - Alexandra Oxaal
President Gallant with assistance from Past President Duane Booth had the opportunity to
install two new members into the SAR and our Chapter. They were Benjamin Yocum and his son
Andrew. Additionally, we were also able to welcome Rev. John Dale as a transfer from the
Massachusetts Society. Welcome to our new Chapter members!

The entire Slocum family, Emily, Jennifer, Benjamin and Andrew, with President Gallant
The Registrar and Member Report as presented by Past President Duane Booth and Registrar Tom Dunne
showed that Chapter membership has grown to a total of 222 members. Both men's efforts were noted
as being a significant part of reason for the increase. Great job Duane and Tom! Chaplain Charlie
Wheeler provided a moment of remembrance for compatriot Harry Taylor who passed away in June.
The Treasurer's Report as presented by Treasurer David Flint showed a small operating loss for the
reporting period. No extraordinary income or expenses were noted.
New York State C.A.R. President Bridget Lasky gave a presentation on her State Project. This year's theme
is "Helping our Heroes". The goal is to help the Albany Stratton VA Medical Center, with a focus on
homeless veterans. Over $800 worth of food in 40 separate meal bags has already been presented to the VA.
President Lasky also has a goal of making a $3,500 donation at the end of her term. The Chapter approved
a $500 donation to the project. Compatriot Jack Bredenfoerder made an additional $100 donation on behalf of the Ohio Society SAR.

New York State C.A.R. President Bridget Lasky presents a "Helping our Heroes" project pin to President Gallant
There were a couple of other items of new business:
- Approved a $100 donation to the Rensselaer County Veterans Service Agency for advertising in conjunction with a
veteran's breakfast that the organization holds.
- Approved endorsements for National Officers at the next SAR Annual Congress.
Meeting was adjourned with the announcement that the Chapter Annual Meeting in February 2019 will be at the Century House in Latham, NY.