Saratoga Battle Chapter
Saratoga Battle Chapter receives Outstanding C.A.R. Society Sponsor Award
Article & photos courtesy of Sandra Ann Zerrillo
On Sunday, November 15, 2009, the members of the Schuyler Society held a
special meeting to honor the Gen. Peter Gansevoort Chapter, NSDAR,
Saratoga Battle Chapter, SAR and the Rhodes Memorial Fund, Inc.
In honor of Veterans Day, the society members also honored two local
veterans - Karl Danneil (Karl's SAR application is awaiting approval)
and Ms. Eleanor Morris and they were presented with the 2009-2010 N.Y.S.S.C.A.R.
State Project Pin.
During the ceremony Richard Fullam, President of Saratoga Battle Chapter,
Johanna Shogan, Regent, Gen. Peter Gansevoort Chapter and Dennis F.M. Marr,
Director of the Lawrence I. and Blanche H. Rhodes Memorial Fund, Inc. were
presented certificates that proclaimed their organizations as
"Outstanding C.A.R. Society Sponsors." In addition to the DAR, SAR &
Rhodes Outstanding Sponsor Award certificates, Rich, Johanna and Dennis were each
presented the National Endowment Fund Pin and a copy of the Centennial Plus One
book that highlights the first 100 years of the N.S.C.A.R.
Note: The Chapter has been a joint sponsor of the Schuyler Society since it
was reorganized on September 27, 2003.
Event photos: Click on any photo for a larger image |

Schuyler Society members and officers with Karl Danneil,
Dennis F.M. Marr, Richard Fullam, Eleanor Morris and Johanna Shogan

(l-r) Brandon Hare, Society Vice President, Rich Fullam, President Saratoga Battle Chapter, SAR,
Dennis F.M. Marr, Past President Saratoga Battle Chapter, SAR and Director of Rhodes Memorial Fund, Inc. Ryan Hare, Society
Recording Secretary and Lexi Zerrillo, Society President

Other adults (Karl, Rich, Johanna, and Eleanor) being honored with C.A.R. youth and the celebratory cake

(l-r) Maj. Eleanor L. Morris, USA (Ret.), a member of Gen. Peter Gansevoort Chapter who served in-country
with the National Guard during the 1st Gulf War, with husband Karl Danneil who is a US Army veteran of the
Viet Nam War pose with Schuyler Society President Lexi Zerrillo
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