Saratoga Battle Chapter SAR
Saratoga Battle Chapter

Saratoga Battle Chapter
Participates in Two Fall Events
The Return of the Captive

Members of the Saratoga Battle Chapter were invited to join in "The Return of the Captive" ceremonies held the Saratoga Battlefield on October 4, 2008. The event featured the actual cannon captured by the American forces at Saratoga 231 years ago during the 2nd Battle of Saratoga and featured period music by Rural Felicity, remarks about the cannon's capture, musket & and cannon firing, a ceremonial "capture" of the cannon, flower placement at the cannon, ending cannon and musket firing and closing period music. Following the event the cannon was to be returned to its permanent home at the Rutherford B. Hayes Presidential Center in Fremont, Ohio.

The cannon was placed at Breymann's Redoubt within 10-15' of its original placement. Historians know that because British maps show that two cannons were placed at this redoubt and from an engraving on the cannon that reads "Taken at the storm of the British line near Saratoga by ______ October 7, 1777." The one "British line" taken by American forces was here at the Breymann's Redoubt.

Photos are courtesy of Duane Booth unless otherwise indicated.
Please click on any image for a larger version.

(l-r)  Duane Booth, George Ballard, Brett Trufant, Marion Walter, Charles Walter, Nancy Ballard & Mike Companion

(l-r) Duane Booth, George Ballard, Brett Trufant, Marion Walter,
Charles Walter, Nancy Ballard & Mike Companion

Immediate Past Chapter President George H. Ballard was honored at the ceremony for his dedication in ensuring that the Chapter continues to work with Park staff to hold & participate in events at the SNHP. It was noted by Superintendent Joe Finan that George has been very helpful in the continued success of the annual July 4th Citizenship Ceremony.

Past Chapter President George Ballard (r) receives award from Superintendent Joe Finan

Past Chapter President George Ballard (r) receives award from Superintendent Joe Finan

Surrender Day

October 17, 2008 marked the 231st anniversary of the surrender of the British at Saratoga. Again this year the surrender was commemorated with a ceremony at Schuylerville to help us all remember that historic day that turned the tide of the war in favor of the Americans.

Members on hand to help celebrate were — (l-r)  Charles Walter, Rich Fullam, Mike Companion, George Ballard & Charlie King (Picture courtesy of Marion Walter)

Members on hand to help celebrate were — (l-r) Charles Walter, Rich Fullam,
Mike Companion, George Ballard & Charlie King (Picture courtesy of Marion Walter)


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