The Chapter in participation with the Saratoga Chapter, DAR Friends of Saratoga
Battlefield, the Saratoga National Historical Park and the US Citizenship and
Immigration Service held our 5th Annual Citizenship Day at the SNHP on
Friday, July 4, 2008. The event as always was well received, well publicized,
and well covered by the media and most of all very much appreciated by the newest
citizens and their families and friends.
Thanks to all of those pictured here and those not pictured here for their help
in making this event so special. One dear friend while not pictured here is
SNHP Chief of Education Gina Johnson. Gina, we appreciate all that you do for
our Chapter, and especially your support of this event. Without you, this event
would not be possible.
On this page you will find photos of the event taken that day. Enjoy!
Photos are courtesy of Duane Booth unless otherwise indicated.
Please click on any image for a larger version.

Rick Saunders, Past Chapter President, Youth Committee Chair
and the recipient of the National Society's Robert E. Burke Scout Award.
Rick is a long time Scout Leader with Troop 6, in Glens Falls.
Rick, that award like the many you've earned was very well deserved!

(l-r) Danielle McMullen, our vocalist with a beautiful voice and a great personality;
Friends of Saratoga Battle field representative and one our favorite cookie bakers Doris Olszewski;
Chapter President George Ballard (also a great cookie baker);
DAR Chapter Regent Marion Walter and wife of our Charles Walter - a great lady!

(l-r) Newly promoted SNHP Superintendent Joseph Finan (Congrats Joe)
with Assemblyman Roy J. McDonald of the 112th Assembly District.
Both of these men have been involved with this event from the start
and Roy always looks forward to being with us no matter how busy he is.

SNHP Park staff and volunteers fire the cannon for us.
Thank for coming to work on America's birthday!

Our candidates recite the Oath of Allegiance to the United States.
Congratulations to each of you and welcome!
(Click here for a list of candidates)

Scouts from Troop 6 present the colors and President Ballard leads us in the Pledge
of Allegiance. Troop 6 is great and much appreciated by us.

The colors being retired. It can get windy at SNHP and we are grateful to the
scouts that they are so attentive.

(l-r) Charles Walter (a new SNHP volunteer); Rick Sunders; Duane Booth; George
Ballard; Tivo Africa; Jim Ballard; Rich Fullam and John Sheaff

Photo courtesy George Ballard
(l-r) President George H. Ballard with brother James G. Ballard, Jr. Jim is the
President of newly reorganized Christian Ardinger Chapter, Hagerstown MD.