For the seventh year the Saratoga Battlefield was the site of our local Independence Day Citizenship Ceremony. The Chapter, which has been a joint sponsor from the start, again played an active role in planning the ceremony and participated in it.
Chapter President Rich Fullam as well as Past President Rick Saunders served on the planning committee and Past President Duane Booth reworked the program.
The event began with musical selections by the Sons and Daughters Fife & Drums.
Click on any image for a larger version
Sons and Daughters Fife & Drums
Park Superintendent Joe Finan welcomed the new citizens and guests.
Superintendent Finan
Followed by a cannon firing by SNHP staff & volunteers
Cannon blast!
and the presentation of colors by Boy Scout Troop 6 of Glens Falls.
Boy Scouts bring up colors
Danielle McMullen of Broadalbin sang a beautiful rendition of our
National Anthem and at the end of the ceremony she was presented with red roses
by committee member Doris Olszewski.
Danielle McMullen
James Wyrough, Field Office Director, USCIS Albany, NY administers the Oath of Allegiance to the new citizens.
James Wyrough
Saratoga Battle President Rich Fullam leads the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag.
Rich Fullam
Corinne Scirocco, Regent, Saratoga Chapter, NSDAR welcomed the new citizens.
Corinne Scirocco
NYS Senator Roy J. McDonald of the 43rd District was for the 7th year in a row our keynote speaker.
Senator Roy McDonald
N.Y.S.S.C.A.R. President Alexandra Zerrillo leads us in the American Creed.
Lexi Zerrillo
Congressman Scott Murphy of the 20th District also welcomed our newest citizens.
Congressman Scott Murphy
Park Ranger Joe Craig gave 13 period toasts to America's independence.
We responded to each toast by sipping lemonade and shouting Huzzah!
Ranger Craig
Some of the chapter members present pose with vocalist Danielle and C.A.R's Lexi and Kate.
(L-R) Lexi, Kate, Rich, Danielle, Duane, Tom & Rick
New citizens take the Oath of Allegiance!
Taking the Oath of Allegiance
July 4, 2010 Picture Collage
Click on each image for a larger version
July 4, 2010 Collage
Photo Credits: All photos courtesy of Duane Booth, Tom Dunne and Rick Saunders
Collage Design: Duane Booth
To read the article "New U.S. citizens take oath" published in the
July 5, 2010 Capital Region edition of the Schenectady Daily Gazette by reporter Michael Goot,
click here. |