The most important part of the entire day was next as Gwynne Dinolfo of the US Customs and Immigration
Services led the 19 immigrants in the Oath of Allegiance thereby making them all new citizens of the
United States! An extended and well deserved round of applause followed to welcome these individuals
as citizens.
Heather Mabee, Regent of the Saratoga Chapter DAR, then led everyone in the Pledge of Allegiance.
That was followed by an address from NYS Assemblywoman Carrie Woerner and a salutation from Saratoga
Battle Chapter President Douglas Gallant. A recitation of the American's Creed was led by Schuyler
Society C.A.R President Steven Fullam.

NYS Assembly Woman Carrie Woerner

Saratoga Battle President Douglas Gallant

Schuyler Society C.A.R President Steven Fullam
Attention then returned to Gwynne Dinolfo. She presented citizenship certificates to each of the
individuals. Each presentation included applause from those assembled. There were also a couple
of moments of humor as some picture taking was attempted.
After lemonade was distributed to all attendees, Park Volunteer Joe Craig provided 13 traditional
toasts to the Declaration of Independence. A couple of the toasts required a bit of historical context
to understand! Each toast was punctuated with "hoo-zay" rather than the more oft used "huzzah"
per Joe's direction.
The ceremony was brought to a close with Danielle McMullen singing God Bless America, the Boy Scouts
retiring the colors and then the Saratoga NHP Artillery Corps provided a canon salute.
Both before and after the ceremony I was invited to join some of the new citizens in some photos which I
was more than happy to do for them. I think being in my Revolutionary War uniform had something to do with it!
A local TV station did a nice story on the event. You can view it on their
web site by clicking here.