The Saratoga Battle Chapter - SAR conducted a graveside service for past Chapter President
Ronald "Ron" Erwin Newton at 2 pm on June 22, 2013 at the Easton Rural Cemetery in Easton, NY.
Ron passed away April 12, 2013 in Maine, where he and his wife Helen retired to in 1995.
Ron's son David emailed us and asked that we hold the service. We were honored to be
asked and we readily agreed to David's request.
Ron was a dedicated SAR. In addition to service as a chapter president in our chapter
Ron served as President of the Empire State Society, as a National Trustee from this
Society and from Maine and as the Vice President General from the New England District.
Ron has proven 21 direct line ancestors (great-grandparents) in the SAR and that was no
easy task. Ron was actively involved in the Boy Scouts of America. Ron was also involved
with wife Helen in the Children of the American Revolution (C.A.R.) and had served as
Senior State C.A.R. President up in Maine.
To view the graveside service we used Click Here

(left to right) Tim Mabee, Mike Companion, Tom Dunne (front), Doug Reynolds (rear),
Duane Booth, Steve Coye, Pat Festa, Joel Coye, George Malinoski, Dennis Marr,
Dave Newton, and Dave Marsh. Missing from photo is Bill Nottingham

Pictured (l-r) are Brad Allen, Alfred Bartlett, Pete Hormel, and Jim Hilton.
These men are re re-enactors from the 2nd NY Continental Artillery, who come
to many of our events bringing a cannon & muskets to fire, and that add much
to our services. We appreciate you guys a lot! Thanks for all that you do for us.

Re-enactors fire muskets

(left to right) Dave Marsh, Bill Nottingham, Dennis Marr, George Malinoski & Tom Dunne

(left to right) Dave Newton, Tim Mabee, Joel Coye, Steve Coye, Pat Festa & Doug Reynolds

President Dunne unveils the member marker that we placed on Ron's grave.