Fort Hardy Park
On the morning of October 17th, the chapter participated in a ceremony at Fort Hardy Park in the
Village of Schuylerville, NY, where on that date in 1777 the British surrendered to the Americans
after losing the second Battle of Saratoga on October 7th. The event included some local 5th
graders reading their essays on the importance of the victory and related historical events.
The sword surrender by General Burgoyne to General Gates was re-enacted, and a wreath laying was
held to remember the American forces at Saratoga.
This year, wreaths were laid by the Empire
State Society's V-P Capital Region Duane Booth, Saratoga Battle's 1st V-P and Registrar Thomas
Dunne, and dual chapter member Joseph Fitzpatrick, along with Walloomsac Battle's Chapter President John
Sheaff. In addition to being a dual chapter member of Saratoga, Joseph Fitzpatrick is the
President and Registrar of the Schoharie-Leatherstocking Chapter. Thomas is a dual chapter
member of Walloomsac Battle, and John and Duane are dual chapter members of Saratoga Battle.
Dual chapter membership (membership in two chapters) not only helps both chapters a little financially
but it also helps with planning events and increasing the number of those attending our events.

Just before the morning event (L-r) Joe, Tom, John and Duane Photo: Duane Booth

After The Wreath Laying (L-r) Joseph, Duane, Corinne Scirocco, Regent Saratoga Chapter, NSDAR and Thomas Photo: Duane Booth
Saratoga Monument
At 1 pm, that same afternoon, the Chapter held a ceremony at the Saratoga Monument (which is located in the
Village of Victory, NY)
to remember the 100th anniversary of the dedication ceremonies held throughout this same week in 1912,
and to rededicate the monument. The staff at the Saratoga National Historical Park (SNHP) opened
the monument in order to provide support for this event, as it had already been closed for the winter season. The support
of the SNHP was critical to the success of this event and the many other events they help us with —
we appreciate all of you!
Empire State Society V-P Capital Region Duane Booth was the master
of ceremony for the event, and gave the invocation. Unless otherwise noted all photos below are courtesy
of Duane Booth, who gratefully acknowledges Kitty Fitzpatrick, who took the photos.

Duane Booth
Saratoga National Historical Park rangers and volunteers began the ceremony with a musket salute.

Park Rangers and Volunteers

(L-r) Village of Victory Mayor James M. Sullivan and Duane Booth watch the musket salute Photo: R. Harry Booth
After the musket salute, Joseph Fitzpatrick led us in the Pledge of Allegiance.
Village of Victory Mayor James M. Sullivan was on hand to welcome those gathered here at Victory, NY,
the home of the Saratoga Monument.

Mayor James M. Sullivan
Chapter member Douglas S. Reynolds, who had just finished leading a walk for the Empire State Capital
Volkssporters, spoke about of the two battles of Saratoga and Surrender Day. Doug gave credit to the
book "Saratoga Turning Point of the Revolutionary War", by Richard M. Ketchum.

Chapter Member Douglas Reynolds
Thomas N. Wood, Town of Saratoga Supervisor; Chair of the County Board of Supervisors; former Town
of Saratoga Historian for 18 years, and author of two books on local history, spoke about the monument.
In addition to its history, erection and physical description, Tom noted the monument's place in honoring
the American forces that won the battle which is called the Turning Point of the American Revolution.
Tom also pointed out that local residents take such pride in "The Monument"/"Our Monument", and how this monument is
a place of such historic importance in regards to the birth of America.

Town Supervisor Thomas Wood
Duane asked Joseph and Tom Dunne to place wreaths to remember the American forces at Saratoga
in 1777, our veterans, and our present military who have sacrificed and continue to sacrifice so
much to keep America free. Lest we forget, freedom is not free.

Joe and Tom
After the wreath laying ceremony, Joseph Fitzpatrick led us in William Tyler Page's American's
Creed, and the rangers gave a final musket salute.

Supervisor Wood, Duane Booth, Mayor Sullivan, Tom Dunne and Joe Fitzpatrick

Ralph Erickson Utah Society, SAR State Secretary and Duane Booth