Saratoga Battle Chapter
19th Annual Turning Point Parade
Schuylerville, NY
August 4, 2013
Article by: Compatriot Dennis Gill Booth
Members of Walloomsac and Saratoga Battle Chapters, SAR, pose with members of the
2nd Continental Artillery - (L-r) Tim Mabee, Pat Festa, Doug Gallant, John Sheaff,
Dennis Booth, Jim Hilton, Al Bartlett, Tim Butler, Bret Trufant, Andrew Companion,
Pete Hormel, Mike Companion, Brad Allen, Tom Dunne, Harry Booth, Tivo Africa,
Duane Booth, Pat Reilly. The 3 pounder, which was built by
Mike Companion, is named "Cricket"
The Turning Point Parade 2013 was the nineteenth annual presentation
in the Village of Schuylerville, NY. The original idea of
the parade was to serve as a public reminder of the importance
of this area in the history of our country; in particular, the
defeat of the British armies in 1777 and their subsequent surrender
by General Burgoyne. These events have of course been deemed the "turning point"
of the American Revolution, vital to winning independence
from Great Britain.
The Village of Schuylerville turns out for the Turning Point Parade
What better an opportunity for participation by the Saratoga Battle and Walloomsac Battle
Chapters of the Sons of the American Revolution?
This year's Turning Point Parade was "old hat" for most of our
membership. But this year, the chapter's Webmaster happened
to be in the area with his family visiting relatives, and
was therefore able to participate in the parade, for the second time. The last time
the stars and planets aligned in such a way was in 2006. What a wonderful opportunity!
The author, Dennis Booth (green shirt), is recruited to carry the chapter's standard.
(L-R) R. Harry Booth, Dennis Booth, SBC President Tom Dunne, WB President
John H. Sheaff, SBC Past President Primitivo Africa, VT Society President
Douglass "Tim" Mabee, SBC Past President Duane Booth, Patrick Festa
The Saratoga Battle Chapter Sons of the American Revolution
has participated in this parade every year since 2000. Both
the community and the chapter look forward to the event each
time. While the route is brief, the excitement is high.
The parade participants gather at the Schuylerville High School
parking lot and Pearl Street to form up the elements; clowns, antique cars
and trucks, bands, fire engines, rescue vehicles, patrol cruisers, horses,
bag pipers, choruses, re-enactors, Dairy Princesses, Boy and
Girl scouts and many others rally and prepare for
the hot, humid and sometimes wet afternoon march.
Re-enactors from the 2nd Continental Artillery - (L-R) Al Bartlett, Andrew & Mike Companion,
Bret Trufant and Jim Hilton in the parade staging area
Members of the Schuyler Society, CAR in the parade staging area
When the parade finally steps off, a parade official ensures that each unit, neatly formed
up, is in the proper order and ready to give their own unique performance. Down the hill to
Broad Street we go; The parade staff members working to space each
group an appropriate distance apart from the group in front of
(L-R)Dennis Booth, Duane Booth, Tom Dunne, R. Harry Booth, Pat Reilly and Tim Mabee are
ready to "get the show on the road!"
Unfortunately, I arrived at the staging area, woefully out of uniform (no white shirt and no regalia!) as
I had not planned to march in the parade. I was cajoled, however, into carrying the Saratoga Battle
standard flag (mostly I think, because the flag harness fit me, and I would be less
conspicuous out of uniform). Then it was suggested that I lead our group. No pressure!
Chapter President Thomas Dunne followed immediately behing me, followed by the members carrying
the chapter banner, and our other members marching, including memebers of the Walloomsac Battle Chapter.
Waiting patiently for the step-off: (L-R) Tim Mabee, Paul Loding (WB), Duane Booth,
Dennis Booth, John Sheaff, R. Harry Booth, Tom Dunne, Owen with Grandfather Pat Festa
Walloomsac and Saratoga Battle Chapters are queued up and ready to turn the corner at Route 29
In this photo, it appears as though we're leading the entire parade;
however we were actually placed fairly far back. Until I saw this picture,
I had no idea all of that was going on behind us!
Along the route, the Schuylerville community offered its
support and enthusiastic applause for each group as they
passed along. The sounds of bag pipes, fife and drums, and marching bands were
punctuated by the periodic volley of musket fire, a constant
reminder of the parade's theme and purpose; the celebration
of the victorious Battles of Saratoga and the impact those victories had
on the outcome of the American Revolutionary War.
Moodus Fife and Drum Corps
For me, this was an incredible day, and I had fond memories of my participation in 2006.
To be privileged to have had this experience a second time
in my own home town was indeed a blessing. All along the parade
route I saw friends and relatives waving, clapping and
cheering, not for me, but for the celebration of freedom
and the pride we all have for being on the hallowed ground
of Old Saratoga, alive and free with all of the rights and
privileges of free men and women living together in the United States
of America. We are indeed all sons and daughters of Liberty, blessed by the courage and sacrifice of
our ancestors.
2nd Continental Artillery Re-enactors Mike Companion and Bret Trufant
As we passed the Grandstand, we paused for our introduction, and
we were all introduced as Sons of the American Revolution. I was indeed proud
to be one of the representatives of our fine organization.
After just a few minutes, we reached the Schuyler House. We organized the photo op with our
brothers, the re-enactors and our sister chapter, Walloomsac Battle Chapter, and
the parade was finished for another year.
The SAR float passes the reviewing stand
I'm very honored to have been in town and once again invited to participate and represent
the Sons of the American Revolution in the Turning Point Parade. Those of you that
live in the area will continue to have this unique opportunity for years to come, near at hand, and
I hope that if you have not already, you will in the future
participate and/or attend yourselves. I'll look forward to seeing your
faces in future parades!
Walloomsac Battle Chapter President and our float driver - John Sheaff
Saratoga Battle Chapter President - Tom Dunne
A few of the many that make the Turning Point Parade a success - (L-R) Brig. Gen. &
WB V-P Paul Loding, WB President John Sheaff, SBC President Tom Dunne, VT Society
President Douglass "Tim" Mabee, SBC Past President Duane Booth
Click here
for a video of the Schuyler Society, CAR and the Saratoga Battle and Walloomsac Chapters, SAR passing
the reviewing stand. |
Photo Credits: Photos courtesy of Caitlin Booth, Dennis Booth, Duane Booth,
Pat Festa, Doug Gallant and Tim Mabee
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