Descendants of Moses Hall, Jr. gathered in Barkersville
Cemetery on Veteran's Day 2006 to honor their ancestor
Moses Hall, Jr., one of a select few who received the
Badge of Military Merit an honor bestowed by order of
General Washington on August 7th, 1782 to those soldiers
who had demonstrated "instances of unusual gallantry,
but also of extraordinary fidelity and essential service
in any way shall meet with due reward…" The "badge of
merit" consists of a purple heart about three inches in
height, edged in gold and the word "Merit" embroidered
in the middle. Those who received it were to wear it on
the left breast of their coats.
New Chapter member and American History enthusiast
Michael S. Companion is a 5th great-grandson of Moses
and the organizer of the ceremony.

Mike Companion prepares for the ceremony
Photo by: Duane Booth
Chapter Registrar Duane Booth found mention of the rare
award in Moses' pension file. He notified Mike, who knew
of its importance. In the course of the conversation
Mike brought up that the patriot had no stone. Duane
gave Mike the name of Ray LeMay and Charles Greenfield,
both chapter members and members of the Sons of Union
Veterans of the Civil War (SUVCW).
Chuck, and more recently Ray, work tirelessly in ordering
and setting stones for veterans, especially for Revolutionary
War and Civil War vets whose graves are
unmarked or whose stones are broken or unreadable. Both
men helped Mike get the stone from the Department of
Veteran's Affairs. Mike and his brother Steve set the
stone on November 3rd, 2006.

New gravestone before unveiling with a replica of the Badge of Military Merit
Photo by George Ballard
Once Mike knew he had the gravestone on order he decided Moses'
grave should be rededicated with the new stone. He set out
to plan a fitting ceremony. He asked fellow members of the
2nd Continental Artillery re-enactor group; his fellow Saratoga
Battle Chapter, SAR members; SUVCW members; members of the
Providence Town Board and the Town Supervisor and of course
his family members, many who still live in the area.
The Saratogian newspaper contacted him and came to the cemetery
took pictures and interviewed him. The Saratoga Chapter,
DAR was invited as were members of McCracken's 1st NY Continental
Infantry and musicians from the 13th Albany County Militia.
With the help of a friend, Mike also designed and printed a
program for the event which contains a short biography of
Moses Hall's life which can be viewed by clicking the link
underneath the collage below

Musicians from 13th Albany County Militia great us with period music
Photo by Duane Booth

Re-enactors ready their two pound artillery piece for firing
Photo by George Ballard
Mike Companion welcome those present and thanked everyone
for turning out on Veteran's Day to honor Moses Hall, Jr.,
one of America first soldiers.
The re-enactors
then fired a shot from the two pound cannon.

2nd Continental Artillery fires their 2 pound piece
Photo by Charles Walter
The Pledge of Allegiance was lead by Andrew and Cassandra,
children of Mike and Samantha Companion.

Cassie & Andrew in period dress
Photo by Duane Booth
Town of Providence Supervisor and descendant of Moses Hall, Jr. unveiled the new gravestone.

Supervisor Richard Hunter
Photo by Duane Booth
Mike, a history teacher at Shenendehowa, has been interested
in tracing his roots for several years. He has eleven great
grandparents in this cemetery and others in surrounding cemeteries.
Mike keeps his children active in the genealogy and even
has given them index cards and has them look for stones
that match the names on the cards. Mike regularly mows
a small cemetery where other relatives are buried and works
with the town historical society. All this in addition
to keeping up with his kids' activities and doing a lot of
re-enacting which he brings the children to.

Mike stands behind his 5th great-grandfather's gravestone
Photo by Duane Booth
Wreaths were laid by the Saratoga Battle Chapter and the Saratoga Chapter, NSDAR.

1st Chapter VP & Treasurer Richard H. Fullam
Photo by Duane Booth
A musket volley followed the wreath laying.

Riflemen from McCracken's 1st NY Continental Infantry & 2nd Continental Artillery
Photo by Charles Walter
The grave re-dedication prayer was read by 2nd Chapter VP George Ballard.

2nd Chapter VP George H. Ballard
Photo by Charles Walter
The Empire State Society VP Capital Region led the gathering in the Pledge to the SAR.

ESS VP Capital Region Duane Booth
Photo by George Ballard
The ceremony concluded with "Taps" played by bugler Steven
Jenkins and a descendant of Moses Hall, followed by a
final shot from the 2 pound cannon.

Steven Jenkins
Photo by Charles Walter
Below is a collage of photos from the 2006 Veteran's Day Ceremony.
Click on any image for a larger version.
Veteran's Day Ceremony 2006 Click any collage image for larger version of the photo.
Click here for a bio of Moses Hall, Jr.