As it has for the last few years, the Schuyler Society, C.A.R. collected donations to lay wreaths on
veteran graves at our National Cemetery, in the Town of Saratoga, and again volunteered to help
place wreaths. Outdoing past efforts, this year the children collected enough money to purchase
over one hundred wreaths, which is remarkable. Equally impressive is that these youngsters volunteer
to participate in the event, which means getting up early on a Saturday morning and braving the weather,
which is always cold and often snowy at the Cemetery.
On Saturday, December 15th, chapter members joined forces with Gen. Peter Gansevoort Chapter NSDAR members
and Schuyler Society C.A.R. members to lay wreaths on Veteran gravestones at the Gerald B.H. Solomon
Saratoga National Cemetery. We arrived along with hundreds of other volunteers around 8:30 am and
received our assignment. We were to lay 125 wreaths in Section 2 with a few others from our organizations
helping out in another area of the Cemetery.
Note: The Schuyler Society, C.A.R. is proudly sponsored by the Gen. Peter Gansevoort Chapter NSDAR,
the Saratoga Battle Chapter, SAR and the Lawrence I. & Blanche H. Rhodes Memorial Fund.

Hanging out

Immediate Past Chapter President Rich Fullam

Chapter Member Doug Gallant, with wife Teresa and son Benjamin

Christopher gets started

Finishing up

Our Volunteers!
Front Row (left to right) Nicholas Oxaal, Benjamin Gallant, Teresa Gallant, Dolly Rogers, Harold Rogers, Susan Hare, Christopher Oxaal, Lorraine Pratt
Back Row (left to right) Duane Booth, Douglas Gallant, Bob Zerrillo, Mary Oxaal, Paul Hare, Sandy Zerrillo

ESS Capital Region V-P Booth places a wreath on grave of Past Chapter President ('77-'80) Carton E. Covell