Saratoga Battle Chapter
2003 Wreath Laying Ceremony
Saratoga National Historical Park
Stillwater, NY - September 21, 2003
Chapter holds Annual Wreath Laying Ceremony
As part of the events held at the Saratoga National Historical
Park's (SNHP) anniversary weekend celebration, our Chapter in
joint sponsorship with the Saratoga Chapter, DAR commemorated
the 1777 Battles at Saratoga on Sunday, September 21, 2003 by
hosting our annual wreath laying ceremony. Chapter president
Duane Booth welcomed members and guests. Our newest chapter
member, Henry Goebel, led us in prayer. Chapter President Booth
introduced the following honored guests:
- Mrs. Charlotte Edson, NSDAR Librarian General
- Mrs. Libby McKee, NYS Vice Regent
- Mrs. Susan Fabiani, NYS Custodian
- Mrs. Peggy Gifford, NYS Historian
- Mrs. Nancy Rodenmacher, NYS District IV Director
- Mrs. Helen L. Newton, Regent
- Rebecca Emory Chapter, Biddeford, Maine And Chaplin of the Ladies Auxiliary, NSSAR
- Mr. Henry N. McCarl, Secretary General, NSSAR and wife, Mary
- Mr. Ronald E. Newton, VPG New England
NSSAR Secretary General Henry McCarl addressed the group,
noting the importance of these ceremonies, that serve to
remind us of the sacrifices our forefathers made for our
freedom. A large contingent of re-enactors who were at the
Park for the weekend, reliving the 1777 experience, presented
the colors. Dave Bernier, of Southampton, MA, as General
Horatio Gates, led his troops. Past Chapter President and
Registrar Dennis F. Marr, assisted by Past President Rick
Saunders, introduced representatives of organizations presenting
wreaths. Wreaths were laid by the Saratoga Battle Chapter, NSSAR;
Saratoga Chapter NSDAR; the National Society, SAR; the NYS DAR
Organization and the Llano Uplift Chapter, Texas Society, DAR
and Bluebonnet Chapter, Texas Society, SAR.
A Saratoga Battle Chapter, NSSAR meeting was held at the
Visitor's Center, during which new members George Ballard
and Henry Goebel were introduced. A dinner was held at JeRon's
Restaurant in Ballston Spa.
Event photos: Click on any photo for a larger image |
New SAR Member George Ballard and wife Nancy
at the DAR Monument before the ceremony.
Past Chapter President Rick Saunders and Chapter
President Duane Booth pose with the Chapter's banner.
Chapter President Duane Booth with Saratoga Chapter, DAR, Regent
Susan Szewczyk welcomes members and guests.
Secretary General, NSSAR Henry N. McCarl addresses the gathering.
Re-enactors led by Dave Bernier, of Southampton, MA portraying
American General Horatio Gates, bring Colors forward.
Photo: Alice Goebel |
Past Chapter President Dennis F. Marr (left) with wreath presenters
Duane Booth, Saratoga Battle Chapter, Sue Szewczyk, Saratoga Chapter,
DAR, Henry McCarl, NSSAR; Nancy Rodenmacher, NYS DAR Organization and
Cindy Heath-Smith, Llano Uplift Chapter, Texas Society, DAR and Bluebonnet
Chapter, Texas Society, SAR.
Secretary General Henry McCarl and Dave Bernier
(General Gates) pose for the camera.
The gathering pauses after the ceremony to reflect on the event and the beautiful day.
Chapter President Duane Booth & Secretary General McCarl pause for a camera shot
at the Chapter's monument.
Chapter President Duane Booth presents the Chapter's newest member, Henry Goebel, Jr., with his membership certificate.
Photos by Duane Booth unless noted.
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