On Sunday September 17th the Chapter held its popular Annual
Wreath Laying at the DAR Monument, Stop 2 of the Saratoga
Battlefield. The event for the past several years has been
sponsored with the Saratoga Chapter, NSDAR and now includes
other patriotic organizations.
Again this year we were blessed with another sunny, pleasant
September day. Our members and guests had a great time
greeting one another and picture taking. We were also grateful
to have re-enactors camping at the battlefield be our Color Guard.
David Bernier portraying General Horatio Gates leads the group.
David is with the 25th Continental Regiment from Massachusetts.

Re-enactors serve as our Color Guard
Regent Marion Walter of the Saratoga Chapter, NSDAR, began
the program with a welcome message that included mention
of her patriot ancestor who fought at Saratoga. State Society
President Peter K. Goebel gave the Invocation. Jonathan E.
Goebel, State Society Secretary and Saratoga Battle Chapter
President led us in the Pledge of Allegiance.

Regent Marion Walter, State President P. Goebel and Chapter President J. Goebel
Photo by George H. Ballard

Pictured with some of the wreaths before ceremony Michael's Mom, Michael Boyd, CA Society & Joyce Armstrong
Wreaths were laid by the following organizations:
NYS Organization, NSDAR State Regent, Elizabeth McKee
National Society, SAR Genealogist General, Charles F. Bragg
Empire State Society, SAR President, LTC Peter K. Goebel
Saratoga Chapter, NSSAR District IV Director, Lois Gruner
Saratoga Battle Chapter, SAR President, Jonathan E. Goebel
Bemis Heights Society, C.A.R President, Jessica Wilson
Schuyler Society, C.A.R Senior Treasurer, Richard H. Fullam
NYS Society, US Daughters of 1812 President, Susan Szewczyk
State DAR Regent Libby McKee led us in the American Creed; VP
Capital Region and Chapter Registrar Duane Booth led the Pledge
to the SAR and Saratoga Chapter, DAR Chaplain Carol Strong
led the recessional.

Regent Marion Walter (l) and Chaplin Carol Strong
In addition to Compatriot Boyd, we also presently surprised
to have Compatriot Brian S. Barrett of the Wisconsin Society,
who was passing through our area present.

GG Chuck Bragg (l), Brian S. Barrett and ESS President Peter K. Goebel
The group picture of the SAR members at the wreath laying.
The two missing in the photo are Compatriot Frank Moy, Saratoga
Battle Chapter and Brian Barrett of the Wisconsin Society.

Kneeling (l-r) J. Goebel, S. Coye, R. Fullam, G. Ballard, D. Booth, C. Walter
Standing (l-r) H. Goebel, C. Childs, L. Slocum, B. Trufant, C. Bragg, M, Companion, P. Goebel, G. Glidden, H. Taylor, B. Rockwell, A. Rockwell, J. Rockwell & M. Boyd
We are very proud of the new wreaths that we had made by Kristina Saddlemire-Reese.

Photo by Michael Boyd

Photo by Michael Boyd
Below is our collage from the wreath laying. It was a gorgeous
September day and we hope that this collage will bring back
memories of the day.
Wreath Laying Collage 2006 Click any collage image for larger photo
At the Chapter meeting that followed, new Members and members
with 20 or more years in the SAR were recognized by Chapter
President Jonathan Goebel.

Sponsor Harry Taylor, New Members Jim Rockwell, Bill Rockwell & Art Rockwell
Genealogist General Bragg, State President P. Goebel & Chapter President J. Goebel

GG Bragg, PP Clyde Childs (25-year Member Award),
Chapter President J. Goebel & State President P. Goebel

GG Bragg, Frank Moy (25-year Member Award),
Chapter President J. Goebel & State President P. Goebel

GG Bragg, PP G. "Bill" Glidden (20-year Member Award),
Chapter President J. Goebel & State President P. Goebel

GG Bragg, PP Lewis Slocum (20-year Member Award),
Chapter President J. Goebel & State President P. Goebel "Lew"
is also a 50 year Mason

State President P. Goebel Kurt Kilmer (25-year Member Award),
Chapter President J. Goebel & Kurt received his award at Ecobelli's Restaurant