In remembrance of the Battles of Saratoga in 1777, local Chapters of the SAR, DAR and
C.A.R along with other related organizations as well as Park visitors come together
each year for an annual wreath laying at the DAR Monument at Stop 2 within Saratoga
National Historical Park. This continues to be a significant and well attended event
each year.
Thankfully the rain that passed through the area was gone prior to the event. It
was still overcast but otherwise pleasant.Saratoga Battle Chapter SAR President
Douglas Gallant and Saratoga Chapter NSDAR Regent Heather Mabee led the program.
Both offered remarks on the historical significance of the events. The actual
presentation of the wreaths was performed by the following:
- Col. Peter Goebel, National Trustee NSSAR
- Duane Booth, President Empire State Society SAR
- Abigail Mosher, President NYS C.A.R.
- Elizabeth Oxaal, President Schuyler Society C.A.R.
- Fiona Dolton-Coons, President Bemis Heights Society C.A.R.
- Judy Peck, Registrar Schenectada Chapter NSDAR
- Nicole Sheeler, Vice Regent Saratoga Chapter NSDAR
- Kristen Moore, Regent Gen. Peter Gansevoort Chapter NSDAR
- Thomas Dunne, Registrar Saratoga Battle Chapter SAR
Our Color Guard for the event were members of the 2nd Continental Artillery Regiment.

2nd Continental Artillery members bringing in the colors to begin the ceremony

Douglas Gallant, President of Saratoga Battle Chapter SAR and Heather Mabee,
Regent of Saratoga Chapter NSDAR

Duane Booth, President Empire State Society SAR

SAR members present (all from Saratoga Battle Chapter unless otherwise noted) L to R:
Registrar Thomas Dunne, Historian Karl Danneil, Treasurer David Flint, ESSSAR Vice
President Capital Region Joseph Fitzpatrick, Richard Fullam, President Douglas
Gallant, National Trustee Col. Peter Goebel, Stephen Coye, Empire State Society
President Duane Booth, Christopher Oxaal, Walloomsac Battle Chapter President John
Sheaf, Patrick Festa, Genealogist Dennis Marr, Ford Oxaal

Members of the Schuyler Society and Bemis Heights C.A.R that were present.
Additionally in the center are Elizabeth Mosher, National Senior Vice President
Eastern Region and Abigail Mosher, NY State President.