1st Prize Co-sponsored by CACI International, Inc., Arlington, VA and Rhodes Memorial Fund, Albany, NY





1.       This contest is open to all students who are United States citizens or legal aliens. Contestants shall be attending public, parochial, or private high schools (including accredited home schools). Contestants shall be in the sophomore, junior or senior grade of study during the contest year. The contest is conducted in three[two] phases: local (Chapter)[Not used in all locations.], state (State Society) and National. The contest must be entered through a Chapter [or the State Society where stated] of the Sons of the American Revolution near the student's residence. In some locations the contest is to be entered at the State level. Only one entry per student is permitted each year. Entries must be submitted to your Chapter or State Society by the due date shown for your location's deadline.


2.       The contest is for an original researched and proven topic written in English. The topic of the essay shall deal with: an event, person, philosophy, or ideal associated with the American Revolution, the Declaration of Independence, or the framing of the United States Constitution. Students must source at least five (5) references with the minimum of 3 being book sources. References from Encyclopedias or Internet sites will be accepted, but are not considered as part of the three source references. The use of all electronic sources will cause the essay to be disqualified.

The essay must have a minimum of 800 words and not exceed 1,000 words excluding title page, footnotes, bibliography, and biography. One or two letter words such as I, to, and we are not counted. When counting words in a date, a numerical date (1776) or a date spelled out (seventeen seventy-six) shall be counted as one word. Names of places such as New York City shall be counted as one word.


3       The essay shall have four parts: a) title page, b) essay, c) bibliography (works cited), and d) contestant's biography. The bibliography and contestant's biography shall be listed on separate pages.

Information on the title page shall include the title of the essay, contestant's name, address, and telephone number. In addition, the title page shall include the name, address, and telephone number of the high school in which the contestant is enrolled, and the contestant's grade level.

The contestant's biography is limited to one page. Topics to be included in the biography are academic awards and achievements, school activities, community activities, and plans for college.


4.      The essay shall be typed double-spaced on white bond paper using a computer, word processor, or typewriter and stapled. No bindings or special covers are needed. Graphics are not permitted. The original copy of the essay must be submitted. Poor quality copies will not be accepted.


5.      The essay shall be documented in accordance with the Modern Language Association publication, MLA Handbook for Writers of Research Papers or Turabain's, A Manual for Writers of Term Papers, Theses, and Dissertations.


6.      Entries must be postmarked prior to Friday 7, January 2006 [except where otherwise shown for your Chapter/State].


7.      The essay will be judged on the following criteria:

               A. Historical accuracy

               B. Clarity of thought

               C. Organization and proven topic

               D. Grammar and spelling

               E. Documentation


8.               AWARDS:


Chapter, $50.00 U.S. Savings Bond;


Empire State Society, First Place $300.00, Second Place $200.00, Third Place $100.00;


National Society: First place: $3,000; a winning recognition certificate; airfare and one night     hotel for two at the SAR 116th Annual Congress in Dallas, Texas.


Second Place: $2,000


Third Place: $1,000


9       The winning essay of the national contest will be submitted for publication in The SAR Magazine. Participants in this contest agree that their essay may be published in The SAR Magazine and on the Knight Essay Contest Web Page.


10     Participants in this contest agree that the interpretation of rules and decisions of the NSSAR and its judges shall govern without reservation.

 Please follow the rules exactly. Essays that do not conform to the rules will be disqualified.


11      Winning essay participants, on all levels, must supply a social security number or alien identification/green card number in order to receive the award.


Saratoga Battle Chapter, Empire State Society, Sons of the American Revolution


Richard C. Saunders, Jr., Chairman

SAR – Knight Essay Contest

13 Thomson Avenue, Glens Falls, NY  12801-2220


Jonathan Goebel, President

Saratoga Battle Chapter, SAR

96 Old Mill Pond Road,

Nassau,NY  12123-263