As has been the recent custom, the Chapter holds a meeting following the Wreath Laying Ceremony at
Saratoga Battlefield. The first order of business
was to address a change in Chapter President and Treasurer. President George Malinoski found it
necessary to resign due to family health needs. Chapter 1st Vice President and Treasurer Douglas
Gallant became the new President and member David Flint became the Treasurer. Both were installed
by Empire State Society President Duane Booth.

David Flint and Douglas Gallant installed as SBC Treasurer and President by ESS President Booth
We then had the opportunity to install 3 new members to the Chapter; David Dohring, Steven Fullam and
Christopher Oxaal. Steven and Christopher are both Junior members. Past President Rich Fullam stood
in for his son who at the last minute was unable to join us. Empire State Society President
Duane Booth assisted with the installation.

ESS President Booth installs new members John Dohring, Christopher Oxaal and Steven Fullam (Rich Fullam standing in)
We were also honored to present awards to two members. Capital Section VP and dual chapter member Joseph Fitzpatrick
received the SAR War Service Medal for his service during the Vietnam and Cold War era. Compatriot Patrick Festa received
the DAR Service Pin (provided by the Saratoga Chapter DAR) for his Vietnam service.Congratulations and
thank you to both of these veterans!

Capital VP Joseph Fitzpatrick receiving the War Service Medal from ESS President Booth (L) and SBC President Gallant (R)

Patrick Festa receiving the Service Pin from ESS President Booth (L) and SBC President Gallant (R)
In other business, the Chapter approved donations to several causes:
- New York State C.A.R. President Abigail Mosher received a $500 donation for her State Project 'Dogs to Vets'
following her presentation at the meeting
- Affirmed the existence of the Carleton Covell Award that is shared with the Col. George L. Willard Camp,
Sons of Union Veterans. Carleton was a past SBC President and Camp Commander. SBC's annual contribution is $100.
- A $500 donation to the National SAR Record Digitization project
- A $100 donation to the Rensselaer County Veterans Service Agency for advertising in conjunction with a veteran's
breakfast that the organization holds.
- A $350 donation to Patriot Flight. That covers the cost for a single veteran.

NYS C.A.R. President Abigail Mosher describing her state project 'Dogs to Vets'