Saratoga Battle Chapter SAR
Saratoga Battle Chapter
Annual Meeting &
Washington's Birthday Dinner

Past President Marr reads letter presented to Carl with award.
Past President Marr reads letter presented to Carl with award. Click here to review the letter.

Chapter member Carlton Covell was presented with an enrollment in the National Society's Life Membership Program.

Latham, February 15, 2003. The Saratoga Battle Chapter, Sons of the American Revolution honored Compatriot Carlton (Carl) E. Covell of Halfmoon at its Annual Meeting and Washington's Birthday Dinner held at the Century House Restaurant. Compatriot Covell, a former Navy veteran, will turn 90 on February 26th is still very active in the chapter, at the Gerald B. H. Solomon National Cemetery and the Albany VA Hospital. Carl joined the chapter on June 23, 1975, shortly after the chapter was organized. Compatriot Covell was instrumental in reorganizing the chapter in 1977 and served as Chapter President from 1977 to 1980. Carl has also served the chapter as Vice President, Registrar and Chaplain.

Outgoing President Richard C. Saunders Jr., of Glens Falls presented several awards and gifts to fellow members and officers. Members and guests were treated to an interesting presentation by Karl Crannell, Special Events/Friends Program Coordinator of Fort Ticonderoga, about the Battles of Saratoga and their impact on the remainder of the Revolutionary War.

The incoming chapter officers for the 2003-2005 term are Duane Booth, President; Jonathan E. Goebel; Vice President & Secretary and Dennis F. Marr, Registrar. Information about the chapter and the SAR may be found at:

PHOTOS: Click on any photo for a larger image
Rick presents speaker Karl Crannel with Revolutionary War era map of Saratoga. Rick presents speaker Karl Crannel with Revolutionary War era map of Saratoga.
Speaker Karl Crannell, Special Events/Friends Program Coordinator of the Friends of Fort Ticonderoga, delivering presentation on the Battles of Saratoga. Speaker Karl Crannell, Special Events/Friends Program Coordinator of the Friends of Fort Ticonderoga, delivering presentation on the Battles of Saratoga.

Past President Lewis O. Slocum escorts the candidates forward for installation. Canidates L to R - Dennis F. Marr, Registrar; DAR Diane Fullam as proxy for son Richard H. Fullam, Treasurer; DAR Alice Goebel as proxy for son Jonathan E. Goebel, Vice President / Secretary, and Duane Booth, President. Past President Lewis O. Slocum escorts the candidates forward for installation.  Canidates L to R - Dennis F. Marr, Registrar; DAR Diane Fullam as proxy for son Richard H. Fullam, Treasurer; DAR Alice Goebel as proxy for son Jonathan E. Goebel, Vice President/Secretary, and Duane Booth, President.
Outgoing Chapter President Rick Saunders presents Duane Booth with a chapter level Meritorious Service Certificate and medal for his work as Vice President/Treasurer. Outgoing Chapter President Rick Saunders presents Duane Booth with a chapter level Meritorious Service Certificate and medal for his work as Vice President/Treasurer.
President Booth receives congratulations from Past President Rick Saunders. President Booth receives congratulations from Past President Rick Saunders.
Outgoing Chapter President Rick Saunders presents Chapter member Donald Haid with certification for laying a wreath at the Knox Trail Marker.  Chapter member Walter Milbank will also receive a certificate of appreciation. Outgoing Chapter President Rick Saunders presents Chapter member Donald Haid with certification for laying a wreath at the Knox Trail Marker. Chapter member Walter Milbank will also receive a certificate of appreciation.
Dennis Marr presents Carl Covell with a letter outlining Carl's faithful and long-time service to the Chapter. Carl received an enrollment in the National Society's Life Membership Program for his service to the chapter and in honor of his upcoming 90th birthday on February 26, 2003. Dennis Marr presents Carl Covell with a letter outlining Carl's faithful and long-time service to the Chapter.  Carl received an enrollment in the National Society's Life Membership Program for his service to the chapter and in honor of his upcoming 90th birthday on February 26, 2003.
Past President Dennis F. Marr receives a gift from President Saunders for helping Rick during his term. Past President Dennis F. Marr receives a gift from President Saunders for helping Rick during his term.
Dennis Marr congratulates Carl on his award and birthday. Dennis Marr congratulates Carl on his award and birthday.
Past President Carlton (Carl) E. Covell passes the gavel to Incoming President Duane Booth. Past President Carlton (Carl) E. Covell passes the gavel to Incoming President Duane Booth.


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